• Small Business Week Challenge - Make It Happen

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    Name: Small Business Week Challenge - Make It Happen
    Date: May 2, 2022
    Event Description:
    During Small Business Week, May 1 to May 7, the Grand Island Chamber and Look Local Grow Local invite the Grand Island community to participate in supporting local, small businesses. The week-long initiative includes daily activities of small challenges that make a big difference.

    Monday, May 2 is “Make It Happen”
    Make Monday a great day by accomplishing a few things that will make your life better. Schedule a doctor’s appointment, review your insurance policy or open up a savings account, just to name a few.
    Grand Island, NE
    Date/Time Information:
    All Day
    Contact Information:
    Grand Island Area Chamber of Commerce
    Set a Reminder:
    Enter your email address below to receive a reminder message.