• Choosing to shop locally helps Grand Island grow

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    Encouraging the community to shop locally is at the forefront of the Chamber’s mission — and for good reason. There are many benefits to Grand Island, and to each of us, by choosing to shop at locally owned businesses. When purchasing items locally instead of online, you are not only supporting that local business owner, but also the local community as a whole.

    Keeping dollars in our hometown has advantages that are just as important as saving a few bucks. Here are just a few of the many benefits you and the community can reap by shopping at Grand Island businesses:

    A stronger economy. When you choose to shop at a local business, you are supporting the business owner, the employees of that business, and the other businesses and services in that area. In addition to hiring staff to work in the stores, local businesses hire local architects and contractors for building and remodeling, local accountants and insurance brokers to help them run the business and local advertising agencies to promote it. This creates a “multiplier effect,” meaning each dollar spent in a local store can bring more dollars back into the community

    Picture this: you spend $20 at a local boutique to buy a gift for your mom. That $20 is used to pay an employee of that store. The employee goes out to a local restaurant and purchases lunch. That restaurant buys produce from a local grocery store. The local grocery store owner purchases a soccer jersey for their kid from a local shop. And the cycle continues. By spending your money in Grand Island, that money is more likely to stay in Grand Island.

    A great place to live and visit. The last factor is more difficult to measure than the others, but it is equally important: Local businesses simply make our town a better, more interesting place to live. A town center with thriving local businesses has a feel that is all its own. Local eateries, bars, bookstores, food markets, pharmacies and gift shops all combine to give a place its unique character, and we are fortunate to have a surplus of unique boutiques and shops in Grand Island.

    This is beneficial to visitors coming to Grand Island for large events like the Nebraska State Fair, livestock shows and conventions. Local shops also make Grand Island appealing to individuals looking to move to the community.

    Make supporting local businesses part of your everyday routine, through this holiday season and throughout the year. Before your press “Place Your Order” on that Amazon purchase, think about whether you can find those same items right here in Grand Island.

    Think local first. Buy local when you can. Do your part in helping Grand Island grow.

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